Framework for Practice is a project led by visual artist/curator Ryan Boultbee and architectural designer/artist Will Harvey.
It represents the creation of a space to support the growth of new ideas.
Event information
18–21 August 2022
Various times (see events schedule for details)
Broadway Gallery, 17 Heathcoat Street, Nottingham, NG1 3AF
Framework For Practice is a temporary scaffolding structure modifying Broadway Gallery into a space for supporting and inspiring sustainable creative research. The framework adapts to host a series of events, with the aim of supporting creatives to generate new ideas and starting points to research.
Broadway Gallery will become a site for building knowledge, and for constructing new patterns of creative culture in Nottingham.
The programme of talks and workshops will inspire research and ideation for new projects, share peer learning, and support the use of creative tools that we hope can be used to reimagine the future of Nottingham.
Events schedule
See below for an overview of all events taking place using the Framework for Practice structure in Broadway Gallery.
Thursday 18 Aug
6:00PM–7:00PM |
7:00PM–9:00PM |
Friday 19 Aug
10:30AM–2:30PM |
2:30PM–4:30PM |
5:00PM–7:00PM |
7:00PM–10:00PM |
Sat 20 Aug
10:30AM–2:30PM |
3:00PM–5:00PM |
5:30PM–6:45PM |
7:00PM–10:00PM |
Sun 21 Aug
12:30PM–2:30PM |
3:00PM–5:00PM |
5:30PM–6:45PM |
7:00PM–10:00PM |

Framework for Practice scale model by Will Harvey and Ryan Boultbee, showing Broadway Gallery's street facing frontage.
The Framework for Practice structure is made from scaffolding, steel knock-down fittings and fixtures commonly used for vertical access in the building sector.
The materials used in the framework are guided by sustainable thinking, such as the 6R’s (Recycle/Rethink/Refuse/Reduce/Reuse/Repair) and Cradle to Cradle theory.
About the artists
Ryan Boultbee B.Arch MFA is a visual artist/curator in Nottingham, exploring the junction between Art & Architecture. He believes in creating new possibilities by inhabiting the world a little differently. Ryan is a Director at No Jobs in the Arts, delivering ambitious projects that support early-career creatives in the Midlands in collaboration with established and emerging cultural partners.
Will Harvey B.Arch M.Arch creates from the common ground of art, architecture, and graphic design; engaging these fields with criticality, playfulness, and optimism to face the challenging conditions of our contemporary society with a sense of hope. His work explores issues including community resilience, climate change & ecological breakdown, urban & rural conditions, edgelands, and spatial agency. He has worked for various architectural practices in the UK and Canada, has been involved with large scale art fabrication and installation.