Fellowship Insights: Projects by IF

IF share the outcomes of their Near Now Fellowship supported project

Posted on 6th July 2017

Written by Lee Nicholls

Sarah Gold is a designer interested in interaction, data and networks in the public domain. Her practice examines privacy and security.

Sarah used her Near Now Fellowship to focus on building new digital tools that put people in control of their privacy and personal data.

During the early stages of her Fellowship, Sarah formed IF — a design studio led by an agile team of designers and developers — to build digital services that empower people.

Near Now supported Sarah and IF to explore the future of consumer advocacy, a project about consumer rights in a networked world. Sarah and the team at IF created a collection of design probes and prototypes that help people know more about their consumer rights and the connected products used in their homes and everyday lives.

The video above shows IF's Ian Hutchinson and Georgina Bourke sharing the results of the Consumer Advocacy project.

Read more about the project at projectsbyif.com.


Lee Nicholls