Location in Performance

Explore how accurate location positioning can be used to make interactive games, performance and installations.


10th March 2018

What time

10:30AM - 6:00PM


Richard Hoggart Building,


University of London,




A workshop/hackday hosted by Near Now Fellow Rachel Briscoe's immersive theatre company fanSHEN and Hacksmiths; exploring the tools and technology Rachel has been researching during her Fellowship.

In this workshop, we'll be looking at how the Pozyx system can be used to aid theatre-makers, game designers and computational artists in their work. As well as building some cool stuff, we hope to seed potential future collaborative relationships between people working in different disciplines.

The event is completely free, and lunch will be provided.

Who's involved?


fanSHEN create theatre, live events and interactive experiences. We take big, complex ideas, like climate change or political agency, and synthesise them into playful, dynamic formats.



The award-winning student-run tech society at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Founded in 2014, our mission is to provide an opportunity for people in all departments and from all backgrounds the chance to learn about, and play with, technology. We do this by organising talks, workshops and facilitating hackathons (invention marathons).



The pozyx system is a hardware solution that provides accurate positioning and motion information.

Some things you can do with pozyx:

  • Let your robot or drone navigate safely inside your house.
  • Let the environment respond to your presence.
  • Measure any distance, even through walls!


Code of Conduct

By attending this Hacksmiths event, you are agreeing to abide by Hacksmith's Code of Conduct, which can be found at github.com/hacksmiths/code-of-conduct.